St. Johns Law Group

St. Johns Law Group

ST. JOHNS LAW GROUP — LAW Douglas Burnett KNOWN FOR: St. Augustine’s fastest growing law firm. Do you have a particular client that has inspired you?  Representing other attorneys. Undertaking the representation of a peer is naturally motivating and I have been honored with representing other attorneys and their family members on many occasions. What’sRead more about St. Johns Law Group[…]

Estate Planning St. Augustine Beach — Protecting Man or Woman’s Best Friend

Estate Planning St. Augustine Beach — Protecting Man or Woman’s Best Friend

Estate Planning – Protecting Man or Woman’s Best Friend Summary: What happens if you pass before your beloved pet?  You can and should plan for your pet’s future.  After all, you tell everyone that you pet is your child and you hold their future so dear to you.  This article from the Attorneys at St.Read more about Estate Planning St. Augustine Beach — Protecting Man or Woman’s Best Friend[…]